Department of Health and Kinesiology
College of Education and Human Development
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4243
Returning users
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New users
Confirm E-Mail:
Confirm Password:
Password must be between 6 and 20 characters long and can only contain numbers and letters. The password is case-sensitive.
You may begin this application at any time. However, before you can complete it you must:

If this is your first visit, you need to create an account by entering your e-mail address and a password in the "New Users" section above. You should use an e-mail address that will be accessible to you for the next couple months until the application process is complete. Once you register an e-mail will be sent to this address with a web link you must use to confirm your registration.

Once your registration is confirmed, you may return to this page and login using your e-mail address and password as often as you need up until the deadline to complete your application.

See the Graduate Admissions page on the Health and Kinesiology web site for deadlines and full application requirements.